Case Report
Von Willebrand disease from the viewpoint of obstetrician? case studies
Psychological aspect of caesarean section
Original Article
Infection with herpes simplex virus of pregnant womentaking the diagnostic possibilities in Poland into account
Risk assessment of obstructive sleep apnea in thirdtrimester of pregnancy
Review Article
Physical treatment in postmenopausal osteoporosis? a review of research
Application of physiotherapy in the treatment of painin pregnant women
Analysis of social, demographic and mental factorsin case of women treated for infertility
Professional quality of life of Polish gynaecologistsand obstetricians
The mystery of life creation and childbirth in ancientPoland
Prenatal changes of the fetus and the placentadevelopment induced by tobacco smoking
The recommendations of the experts of the Sectionof Pediatric Gynecology and Girly Polish Gynecological Societyfor physicians in dealing with victims of crimes againstsexual freedom and violence in the family