Introduction. The human herpesvirus 1 and 2 (HHV-1 and HHV-2) – that is the virus of commonherpes is the most common etiological factor for mouth and genital scabs. The risk of moreserious consequences of HHV-1 and HHV-2 infection occurs especially in the group of peoplewith lowered immune system capabilities, and also in case of pregnant women and newbornchildren. Around 2/3 of seronegative women acquires this infection without any symptoms thatwould suggest herpes. Decisive role for the outcome of the disease is thus played by properdiagnostics and the possibility to introduce early therapy.The aim of the work. The ascertaining of the diagnostic methods used in detection of HHV1 and 2 infections of pregnant women in Poland and creation of an algorithm for furthertreatment of a pregnant woman for Human Herpes Virus 1 and/or 2, depending on the stateof her immune system.
Material and methods. The data was collected in the years 2009-2011. 2625 diagnostic la-boratories in the whole country were registered. The source of data was the register of theNational Chamber of Laboratory Diagnosticians [Pol. “Krajowa Izba Diagnostów Laborato-ryjnych”]. The first stage of research was concerned with selecting those laboratories, fromtheir total number in Poland, that directly perform tests detecting infections with common herpesviruses. The results gathered were subjected to statistical analysis with use of the Statistica6.1 PL software suite and the SISA tables application. Significance level was adopted at p<0.05.Results. 30 institutions performing tests detecting infections were selected, that is the 1.14% ofthe total number of laboratories. Hospital laboratories accounted for almost 27% of the inve-stigated institutions, similar was also the number of privately held labs. Sanitary and Epidemio-logical Service Stations – slightly above 46%. The largest numbers of labs are located in thefollowing provinces: Masovian and Silesian (8,5), Lesser Poland and £ódŸ – 3 each, Lublin andWestern Pomerania – 2 each. One lab each was recorded in: Lower Silesia; Kujawy-Pomerania,Lubusz, Opole, Pomerania, Warmia-Masurian, Greater Poland Provinces. Three provinces:Subcarpathian, Podlasie and the Holy Cross have no labs that would enable performing of suchtests.
Conclusions. The diagnostics of pregnant women infections with Human Herpes Virus 1 and/or 2is most often performed with use of ELISA method. The methods based on PCR and their variationsare only used in few labs in Poland. The lack or the small number of laboratories performing HumanHerpes virus infections makes the detection of infections of pregnant women difficult.