Department of Physiology, High Institute for Diagnosis of Infertility and Assisted Reproductive Technologies, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq
Urinary phthalates metabolite concentration effects on endometrial receptivity in infertile Iraqi women
Author(s): Salle Saad Yousif*, Wasan A. AL-Jubori and Estabraq A. Alwasiti
Background: Phthalate are esters of phthalic acid mainly used as plasticizers (primarily to soften Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)). Exposure occurs primarily through food consumption, personal care product usage, and contact with dust.
Applications: Food packaging, processed food, water bottles, toys, wires, medical devices (IV lines, gloves, NG tubes), nail polish, liquid soap and shampoo, the recommended airborne exposure limit (REL) is 5 mg/m3 averaged over a 10-hour work shift. The tolerable daily limit is 0.05 mg/kg body weight. In adults, Phthalate are significantly related to altered seminal parameters, Insulin resistance, high blood pressure and reproductive system problems including early menopause, low birth weight, pregnancy loss and preterm birth. Phthalate causes endocrine disruption; it interferes with normal horm.. Read More»