gynecology and obstetrics medical project, gynecology journal, obstetrics, gynecologic oncology, reproductive medicine, gynecological endoscopy, ultrasonography, gynecology articles

Ginekologia i Poloznictwo
ISSN 1896-3315 e-ISSN 1898-0759

Thermotherapy for relieving dysmenorrhea in girls? a pilot study


Author(s): Mariusz Molenda1 (ABDF), Małgorzata Molenda1 (ABDF), Agnieszka Nowak-Brzezińska2 (CE),Jan Horejší3 (AD), Agnieszka Drosdzol-Cop1 (ADE)

Introduction. Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) is a signi-ficant gynecological problem in girls and young women. Therecommended second-line treatment includes acupunctureand hot compresses. Moreover, the World Health Organiza-tion classifies dysmenorrhea to conditions that can be effec-tively treated by acupuncture as proven in controlled clinicaltrials. This publication presents a study design that combineselements of acupuncture and thermotherapy, in which acu-puncture points are stimulated with heat. Such a procedurecan be called point thermotherapy (moxibustion).Aim. The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence ofmoxibustion on relieving symptoms associated with painfulmenstruation in girls and young women aged 16–20 years.Materials and methods. The study group included 15 par-ticipants. Four acupoints used in the study were heated withmoxa in the form of smokeless cigar-shaped sticks, 12 cm longand 1.5 cm in diameter. The sticks were placed 2–5 cm overthe skin of the heated site (depending on individual heatperception). The points were heated until the participantreported an evident heat stimulus. Each treatment lastedapproximately 30 minutes. It was touchless and painless. Thepatient felt only warmth in heated sites. Each participantunderwent 3 treatments over a period of 2 weeks.Results. The research shows that moxibustion considerablyreduces symptoms associated with dysmenorrhea, such asheadache, backache, nausea, nervousness and mood swings.The implemented therapy significantly improved sleep quali-ty and appetite of the participants as well as self-esteem ofgirls and young women suffering from painful menstruation.Conclusions. Heating acupoints has led to positive changesin the participants’ quality of life and has significantly impro-ved physical functioning, limitations associated with thephysical condition, general well-being and mental health.