Introduction. CD4+ T helper lymphocytes may be divided functionally into Th1, Th2, Tregand Th17 lymphocytes. The latter type is a subpopulation of T lymphocytes producing IL-17,IL0-17F, IL-21 and IL-22. Recently, new supplemented trends have been suggested for theunderstanding of the immunologic basis of miscarriage, where it was demonstrated that pa-tients with recurrent miscarriages displayed an elevated number of Th17 lymphocytes incirculating blood and decidua as compared to women with physiological pregnancy.Aim of the study. The aim of the study was an assessment of the percentage share of Th17lymphocytes in inducing mscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy among women in theSilesian urban agglomeration. Material and methods. The study covered 52 women with miscarriage in the first trimesterof pregnancy. The collected blood samples were subjected to fluorocytometric analysis at theLaboratory of Flow Cytometry of the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No.1 in Zabrze(Poland). All the collected blood samples underwent cytometric analysis.Results. In women with miscarriage in the first trimester of gestation the mean rate of T lym-phocytes was 27.19%, the mean rate of CD4+ T lymphocytes was 10.52%, and the mean rateof IL-17-producing T lymphocytes was 2.69%.Conclusions. The authors’ own studiy suggests that CD4+ T helper lymphocytes producingIL-17 may be activated during spontaneous miscarriage. The study was the first one conduct-ed in the Silesian urban agglomeration that assessed the mobilization of Th17 lymphocytesin the course of spontaneous miscarriage.