gynecology and obstetrics medical project, gynecology journal, obstetrics, gynecologic oncology, reproductive medicine, gynecological endoscopy, ultrasonography, gynecology articles

Ginekologia i Poloznictwo
ISSN 1896-3315 e-ISSN 1898-0759

The course of childbirth and the contact STS of mother with child and the symptoms of postpartum depression



Introduction. Medical interventions during delivery play a significant part for the mental stateof the mother after delivery and her readiness to take up the motherhood role. The followingare essential for the hormonal regulation during the delivery Progress and play a part in themental functioning: induction and oxytocine stimulation, anaesthesia with pharmacologicalmethods and way of ending up the pregnancy (natural delivery versus caesarian section)/Statystyka/StatisticLiczba s?ów/Word count1911/2346Tabele/Tables20Ryciny/Figures0Pi?miennictwo/References15Received:05.01.2011Accepted:27.04.2011Published: 01.12.2011. Additionally, the correct contact skin to skin – STS with the child after delivery is consideredto be a key factor for the mental condition of a woman after delivery.Aim of the work. The analysis to the extent to which basic medical interventions applied duringdelivery: anaesthesia, induction and oxytocine stimulation, as well a the way of ending de-livery and the progress of the first contact make a difference between women in going throughdepression and subdepression after delivery and whether the basic personality dimensions takepart in it.Materials and methods. We examined 56 dyads mother-child. We applied the Edinburgh Scaleof Postnatal Depression, the Questionnaire NEO-FFI and the structured clinical interview.Results. 10% of examined women gave birth without medical interventions in the first andsecond stage of the delivery, out of which only 3% of women had been provided with a contactwith the child in accordance with WHO standards. It was proven that in women in whommedical interventions were applied and the first contact was not correct, or there was no contactat all, symptoms of postnatal depression occurred statistically more frequently together withdisturbances in lactation progress, decrease in the sense of competence, resourcefulness andsatisfaction from fulfilling the role of mother. Personal dispositions seem not to play a rolein mild depression in postnatal period.Conclusions. Natural delivery and ensuring STS contact may play a great role in the initiationof motherhood, lactation, its progress and satisfaction from taking care over the child. In womenwho were given anaesthesia, most ESDP items were reduced, apart from the sense of guilt.However, in women whose pregnancy ended up with Caesarian section, the sense of guiltappeared statistically more frequently. Medical interventions during delivery nay be factorswhich both physiologically as psychologically play an essential part in the process of adapta-tion of the woman to the role of mother and contribute to the worsening of her mental func-tioning after delivery. This, however, requires further researches