Author(s): Andrzej Malarewicz
A colposcopic assessment of the alterations in uterine cervix is a vital responsibility of the gynaecological clinician. However, few gynaecologists are performing this examination. Recently established training in “Skills in gynaecological cytology and colposcopy” in the frame of specialty obstetrics and gynaecology should become an incentive for a wider interest not only in gynaecological cytodiagnostics but also in colposcopic diagnostics. A merger of gynaecological cytology and colposcopy into a single skill is not only dictated by their close association with the obstetric and gynaecological specialty but in the contemporary obstetrics and gynaecology it is also hard to imagine the work of a good colposcopist without the knowledge of cytology and a good gynaecologist and cytologist without the knowledge of colposcopy. In this article the author, having an educational goal in the mind, presents the most typical, specially selected and unambiguous, colposcopic images of the uterine cervix featuring particular lesions. Author presents his own modified classification of the colposcopic images based on the recommendations issued by the Congress of Uterine Cervix Pathology and Colposcopy in Graz in 1975. The presented colposcopic images are documented with numerous photographs and figures