Author(s): Ali A. Bendary* and Ibrahim I Souidan
Recurrent miscarriage (RM), which occurs 0.5–1% of couples, is defined as three or more consecutive miscarriages, before the 20th week of pregnancy. Recurrent miscarriages are associated with changes in blood coagulation, including antiphospholipid antibody syndrome and hereditary thrombogenic diseases. The Doppler of the blood flow of the subendometrial arteries allows for a non-invasive method to evaluate uterine perfusion.
Aim of the work: to characterize the sub-endometrial blood flow in recurrent miss-carriage women and thereby to suggest better therapeutic strategy.
Methods: 120 women (60 in each group) who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in this study, The following was administered to all patients: History and clinical evaluation vibrant pulses Pulsed color Doppler of uterine artery.
Results: Resistance Index and Pulsatility Index show a large and statistically significant difference between the groups under study. The case group outperformed the control group.
Conclusion: Women with RPL appear to have much decreased subendometrial blood flow. Therefore, non-invasive techniques such as measuring endometrial thickness and subendometrial blood flow are advised in cases with RPL.