gynecology and obstetrics medical project, gynecology journal, obstetrics, gynecologic oncology, reproductive medicine, gynecological endoscopy, ultrasonography, gynecology articles

Ginekologia i Poloznictwo
ISSN 1896-3315 e-ISSN 1898-0759

Demographic and microbiological risk factorsof Streptococcus agalactiae carriage in pregnant women



Introduction.  Since  the  1970s,  Streptococcus  agalactiae  has  been  considered  to  be  the  domi-nating  etiological  factor  of  neonatal  and  pediatric  infections  and  of  puerperal  complications. â-haemolytic  group  B  Streptococcus  (GBS)  constitutes  a  part  of  the  microflora  of  the  gastro-intestinal  tract,  from  where  it  may  colonize,  usually  asymptomatically,  the  urinary  and  genitaltracts. According to the epidemiological data, it is estimated that ca. 10-30% of healthy womenare  colonized  by  S.  agalactiae.  It  is  estimated  that  every  fifth  pregnant  woman  in  Poland  isa  carrier  of  S.  agalactiae,  and  since  its  mode  of  colonization  is  mostly  asymptomatic  and  re-current, prenatal carrier state control and prevention of neonatal infections is an important issuein  modern  obstetrics.Aim  of  the  study.  An  analysis  of  demographic,  environmental  and  microbiological  factors  inassociation  with  S.  agalactiae  carriage  in  pregnant  women  in  the  third  trimester  of  pregnancy.Material  and  methods.  The  study  group  consisted  of  377  pregnant  women  in  the  third  trime-ster of pregnancy, hospitalized at the Clinic of Perinatology of the 1st Faculty of Gynaecologyand Obstetrics of the Medical University in £ódŸ (Poland) in 2010-2012. The collected materialwas  subjected  to  microbiological  evaluation  at  the  Department  of  Medical  Microbiology  andthe  Department  of  Medical  and  Sanitary  Microbiology  in  £ódŸ.  S.  agalactiae  was  grown  onStrep  B  Select  chromogenic  selective  agar,  and  for  the  purpose  of  â-haemolysis  control  theagar medium was enriched with 5% defibrinated sheep blood. After bacterial growth had beenobtained,  it  was  initially  identified  by  the  morphological  features  of  the  colony,  which  wasfollowed  by  an  application  of  commercial  API  Strep  biochemical  tests.  The  affiliation  of  theisolated  streptococci  to  the  serological  group  B  was  confirmed  with  Pastorex  Strep  B  latexagglutination  test.Conclusions.  Age,  BMI  and  education  of  the  pregnant  women  were  not  risk  factors  of  Strep-tococcus  agalactiae  colonization  in  the  study  group.  The  presence  of  Candida  sp.  in  a  pre-gnant  woman’s  genital  tract  may  significantly  increase  the  risk  of  GBS  carriage.  The  rate  ofEscherichia coli isolated from throat swabs of newborns was significantly higher in those bornfrom  mothers  with  a  positive  GBS  carrier  state.